The ULUM Project is an innovative mobile application designed to connect people around the world through the power of music. Available for both iOS and Android devices, the app enables volunteer users to contribute to a global movement of energetic elevation by participating in synchronized listening sessions featuring music with specific, carefully selected frequencies.
After downloading the ULUM Project app, you become part of a global network of listeners and volunteers. By installing the application, you agree to participate in scheduled listening sessions where music—selected by experts—is played at designated times coordinated by the connected online platform. These sessions feature tracks that use sound frequencies specifically designed to elevate the planet’s energetic vibration and promote collective well-being.
The web platform of the ULUM Project serves as the heart of our operation. It houses a robust database that stores a repository of music and detailed schedules for listening sessions. Experts and content creators curate or create music that employs therapeutic and energetic frequencies—such as binaural beats, solfeggio frequencies, and other specific frequency waves—to maximize benefits for both individual and collective wellness.
Our primary goal is to create a global connection through music. The ULUM Project app synchronizes devices around the world to play the same tracks simultaneously, generating a collective wave of positive energy. By using these specific frequencies, we aim to elevate the energetic vibration of the planet, contributing to a more harmonious and balanced environment for all.
By downloading and using the ULUM Project app, you voluntarily agree to participate in this global movement aimed at elevating the planet’s energetic vibration through music. "Sintonia do Bem" is a network of individuals united by a common cause: to promote collective well-being through sound and musical frequencies, creating an experience of energetic transformation.
We value your trust and commitment to the ULUM Project. By participating, you help create a global wave of positive energy that transcends borders, fostering an environment of peace, health, and balance.